But I see all those things and so much more.
When I look at this picture, I see home.
When I was a teenager, my parents ran a Methodist children's camp in Central Florida. I grew up on an 18 acre property surrounded by two lakes and 8 cabins where a hundred different fifth and sixth graders filled the property all summer long. There was swimming and fun-yacking (our version of canoes!) and crafts and chapel and four-square. During the summer it was loud and crazy and I loved every moment.
During the other months we often had weekend adult groups who filled the cabins, but the camp was a pretty serene place the rest of the time.
Every Easter morning the entire Brandon Community would bring their lawn chairs in the wee hours of the morning to celebrate our Risen Savior facing the most spectacular sunrise. I mean really, when the crosses looked this beautiful during an ordinary day, can you imagine what they would look like when God showed up and showed out on a celebration of His Son?
Well, sort of like this.
Pretty amazing, right?
So when I see these amazing crosses, I see home.
My mind goes to the place where I found lifetime friendships and lifetime experiences; the place where I had my first kiss and the place where I married the love of my life in a gazebo built in my favorite spot by my father and brother for this very purpose.
And the place where I knelt down at an altar on a hard concrete floor during a Friday night chapel service and I knew without question that my life would never be the same.
And now, nearly (dare I say it?) 31 years later, the same emotion rises in my spirit when I think about that camp and those crosses.
Since those summers so many years ago, I have found a home in many cities and many places. Job opportunities led us across the state, and ultimately to Georgia.
But no matter where I have lived, I love that my home will always be centered around one amazing image, three crosses.
Because wherever life takes me and whatever path God asks me to walk, home will always be the knowing that once I committed my life to His work, He set my life on a course designed for my good and for His Glory.
And there is nothing greater in the world than knowing that the Creator of the universe chooses to find a home in my heart and in my life.
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